Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

I was really excited about the Tallgrasses.   Spoiler.....there weren't actually any Tallgrasses, because well, seasons matter.  And sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees, and in all my planning I failed to really consider that the grass wouldn't be tall.  BUT THAT IS OKAY.  Because there were still Buffalo.  And the ranch house … Continue reading Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve

Saint-Gaudens NHS

This was another one of those experiences where I knew nothing about it and then got there and realized that I actually knew stuff about this and had never put it together.  I never really remember things like band names, or songs, or albums, which bothers my husband to no end.  Apparently my art history … Continue reading Saint-Gaudens NHS

Harpers Ferry NHP, Pt 2

I got our Junior Ranger Badge books from an older ranger.  He clearly loved the Civil War and he began telling me about many things, while the children ran around this smaller Ranger Station. Wild Thing in particular seemed bent on destruction, so my patient husband chased him, while the other kids stamped their passports.  … Continue reading Harpers Ferry NHP, Pt 2