Saint-Gaudens NHS

This was another one of those experiences where I knew nothing about it and then got there and realized that I actually knew stuff about this and had never put it together.  I never really remember things like band names, or songs, or albums, which bothers my husband to no end.  Apparently my art history … Continue reading Saint-Gaudens NHS

Harpers Ferry NHP, Pt 2

I got our Junior Ranger Badge books from an older ranger.  He clearly loved the Civil War and he began telling me about many things, while the children ran around this smaller Ranger Station. Wild Thing in particular seemed bent on destruction, so my patient husband chased him, while the other kids stamped their passports.  … Continue reading Harpers Ferry NHP, Pt 2

Harpers Ferry NHP, pt 1

Where to even begin?  I am going to talk about the park first and then in the next post specifically talk about the Junior Ranger badge, because I wasn't entirely sure what to expect and was met with a vast historical crossroad.  I knew about the John Brown revolt, but was entirely fuzzy on the … Continue reading Harpers Ferry NHP, pt 1

Great Smoky Mountains NP Pt. 2

Great Smoky is a stand out park for a few different reasons, one of which is that the money was raised by LOCAL PEOPLE.  When the federal government approved the creation of the park they refused to fund it.  It was funded with local citizen donations, school children, from all walks of life, collecting nickels … Continue reading Great Smoky Mountains NP Pt. 2

Great Smoky Mountains NP pt 1

When planning our eclipse viewing I tried to keep a couple things front and center in my mind.  1) It could be cloudy and 2) The kids may find this monumentally unimpressive.  To mitigate both of these concerns it was really important that the focal point of the trip have something great to visit in … Continue reading Great Smoky Mountains NP pt 1